Identity /Quality
Valadas Coriel & Associados is all about the ongoing relationship with the Client. Know your business, to antecipate your needs and to attain full client satisfaction and recognition. We pursue excellence and in that path, trough constant exigence we deliver added value to our Clients. Rising Standards at every opportunity, enjoing the work; uncompromisingly and ferousciosly ethical touards our Clients and conterparts. These are our values identity.
We believe our staff and lawyers are our greatest assets sharing the successes and difficulties of each one, working as a group, respecting the individuality of each one; to form a team with the client; appoint for each case the right lawyer; reward merit, effort and innovation, providing training opportunities and evolution to each staff member.
We know that highly motivated, trained and educated professionals with good time management and proper balance between competence, commitment, guarantee, professional responsibility and respect for the space for its personal life reflect a better service for all our clients.
At Valadas Coriel & Associados we are completely independent keeping however best friends’ relationships with major international firms able to give the best answer to the needs of the client. We want always to be involved in the local community; always give our best opinion free of all interests, we are dedicated to the practice of law in absolute exclusivity non-existence of conflicts of interest.
At Valadas Coriel & Associados we offer specialized services in key areas of law and we are structured to assist in multidisciplinary teams, always trying to contribute to the quality of advocacy and putting all effort in treating each project to better serve our clients, providing services in accordance with the highest international standards, sharing and accumulating experience.
Professional Ethics and Clearness
At Valadas Coriel & Associados we base our whole business on scrupulous ethical principles such as professional secrecy and respect for conflicts of interest which is a protection and guarantee of defending the rights and expectations of our clients secured by an appropriate work planning periodically reviewed and/or whenever necessary or appropriate through regular and transparent reports complemented by a system of clear budgeting and billing of fees and expenses, which the client is aware since the beginning.
Absence of Conflicts of Interest – achieved through an internal procedure of prior and permanent verification and also by the absence of any commercial interests, especially economical non-participation of the law firm in business of our clients or of third parties.
Innovation and Competence
Based on the know-how and technical expertise; to question and challenge rather than assume, to explore all options and take a constructive approach; to follow up forefront and out of the box solutions; to promote continuous improvement in the relationship with the client; to be conservative yet innovative.