




Looking for Talent, Always

We are a law firm in full expansion having grown up in a remarkable way in recent years, both in size and in volume of work. For this reason the number of our lawyers is continuously increasing and the recruitment of trainee lawyers is a key instrument for the growth of our law firm.

The route of the trainees within our law firm is not defined at the outset being rather determined based on merit, quality and technical ability to work. In general, the law firm has interest that trainees stay working with us after the end of the stage if during this period they have proven excellent quality and ability to work and impeccable personal qualities.

Being VCA a law firm geared towards international level it is essential that its lawyers are fluent in other languages (especially in English). In addition we seek people with a good education background, intelligent, capable of initiative, ambitious and determined.

How to Submit Application

Send us your application at any time to

Send us even a cover letter with a photo, stating the reasons for your application to our law firm or to any of the companies with which we collaborate and why you think you can make a difference along with your CV. Due to the large volume of mail received only selected candidates will be contacted. Do accept however and right now our thanks for your interest in our law firm.




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